Lemon yellow (#fff94c) color information

The hexidecimal color, #fff94c, is close to the color named "Lemon yellow" due to their similar appearences. This color is described as "light yellow". When people spot this color, Lemon yellow (#fff94c), in advertising materials, the following may come to mind: feelings of cheerfulness, optimism, will power, energy, and sunshine. Consider using a different color if you're in the market for finance and wealth.

Breakdown of Lemon yellow (#fff94c)

#fff94c is made up of (255, 249, 76) in RGB colorspace and (0.00, 2.35, 70.20, 0.00) in CMYK colorspace. Its decimal value is 16775500 and the closest web-safe color code to it is #ffff33. Black should be used ontop of #fff94c to ensure the best legibility.

Here's a color conversion chart. It contains technical information about the hex color #fff94c. If you're a programmer, view the code snippets section for prepared language syntax.

hex #fff94c luma #231.00
Websafe hex #ffff33 Black/white pairing Black
rgb rgb(255, 249, 76) Adobe RGB (254.00, 249.00, 92.00)
rgb percent (%) rgb(100%, 98%, 30%) Closest named color Lemon yellow
rgba rgba(255.0, 249.0, 76.0, 1.0) Hunter-Lab (94.87, -16.33, 50.62)
cmyk cmyk(0.00, 2.35, 70.20, 0.00) CIE-L*ab (96.00, -16.64, 79.41)
hsv hsv(58.29, 100.00, 65.00) CIE-L*Ch(ab) (96.00, 81.13, 101.83)
hsb hsb(58.29, 70.00, 100.00) CIE-L*uv (96.00, 11.59, 95.32)
CMYK Composition

Compliments of #Lemon yellow (#fff94c)

The Complimentary color scheme is made up of two colors. These two colors are opposite one another in the color spectrum. The first color is called the "base" #fff94c and the second color is called the "compliment" #4c52ff.

The Split Complimentary color scheme offers most of the contrast of the Complimentary Color scheme but without being as intense.

Split Complimentary Colors of #Lemon yellow (#fff94c)

There are three colors that make up the Split Complimentary color scheme. The base color #fff94c is paired with the two colors on either side of the compliment color #4c52ff.

The Split Complimentary color scheme offers most of the contrast of the Complimentary Color scheme but without being as intense.

Triadic Colors of Lemon yellow (#fff94c)

The Triadic color scheme is made up of three colors. When viewed on a color wheel, all three colors are spaced evenly (120°) apart.

This color scheme tends to produce colors that are quite vibrant, regardless of saturation.

Tetradic Colors of Lemon yellow (#fff94c)

Fours colors make up the Tetradic color scheme. All four colors are spaced evenly (90°) apart when visualized on a color wheel.

Find balance between the warm and cold colors if you desire to use the Tetradic color scheme in your design.

Analagous Colors of Lemon yellow (#fff94c)

The Analagous color scheme is made up of three colors. The three colors sit next to one another on the color wheel. The palette is made in similar fashion to how the Split Complimentary palette is made. However, the two secondary colors are adjacent to the base, not the compliment.

Analagous colors often appear in nature. If you're designing with the outdoors in mind, keep this color harmony at your disposal.

Lemon yellow (#fff94c) Gradients

A color gradient may also be known as color progression or a color ramp. A gradient is the gradual transition of one color into another. This section showcases gradients featuring #fff94c as the base color. The secondary colors come from the sections above.

#fff94c → #4c52ff
#fff94c → #fffa81
#fff94c → #000000
#fff94c → #abff4c
#fff94c → #99952d
#fff94c → #ff9f4c

How #fff94c looks in different atmospheres

Seeing #fff94c on a computer or phone screen is much different than how it may appear in the real world. Shown here are 20 different environment types and how #fff94c could potentially look inside each of them, given perfect conditions.

Named colors and Interior Paints close to Lemon yellow (#fff94c)

Colors that have names have reached a point of status where they're more than just a hex code: they're real-world associated.

#fff94c Might be precisely the color you're looking for. But, the colors below are a close match. What's better is that they're named colors, meaning chances are there's more information about them. If you feel like taking a slight deviation in hue, click a color below to learn about why it's so unique.

Programming Language Syntax for #fff94c

Here you can easily copy-and-paste formatted color code for use with your favorite programming/markup languages like HTML/CSS, Java, Objective-C, and GameMaker Language.

Language Syntax
HTML, CSS #fff94c
Java new Color(255, 249, 76);
.NET Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 249, 76);
Objective-C [UIColor colorWithRed:255 green:249 blue:76 alpha:1.00000];
OpenGL glColor3f(255f, 249f, 76f);
Swift UIColor(red:255, green:249, blue:76, alpha:1.00000)
GameMaker Language (GML) $4cf9ff
Python Color('#fff94c')

Base Conversions of hex color #fff94c

This useful chart contains technical information about the hexadecimal color #fff94c. For example, the direct decimal conversion is 16775500 while the individual RGB conversions are: rgb(255, 249, 76).

Red Green Blue
Binary 11111111 11111001 01001100
Hex ff f9 4c
Octal 377 371 114
Decimal 255 249 76

Icons incorporating the color #fff94c

If you're considering using #fff94c in a logo or design, you can quickly reference below to see how various symbols, icons, and emblems look.